Release notes for IrScrutinizer, including IrpMaster/IrpTransmogrifier, Girr, HardHardware, RemoteLocator, DevSlashLirc and Jirc. The notation #n refers to issues number n at ============================================================================== Version 2.4.1, released 2024-03-16. * Use IrpTransmogrifier 1.2.14, Girr 2.2.14, Jirc 2.2.14, RemoteLocator 0.2.1, HarcHardware 2.4.1. * Bugfix: Helptext links failed if the IrpProtocols pathname contained spaces. * Remove option "Reject Lirc imports without timing". Resolves #522. * Implemented secondary export formats file/directory. Resolves #294. * Bugfix for files located within the directory applicationHome. * Installation message windows (post_install.txt) update. * Fix bug in Ctrl-F handling in tables. #387. * Implemented secondary IrpProtocols file. #294. * IrPlotter: improved mouse-based zooming. Resolves #361. * Minor tweaks in IrPlotter: Fix glitch in plot scales, leading to overlapping text. #291. * Remove GlobalCache IR database (old) importer. #516. * Parametric and raw remote table now has search. #387. * Say "delete", not "clear" on signals on some popup menus. * Update the embedded Java JVM on Windows. #515. * Update Java JVM for AppImage. #514. * Option --scale now handled in the Java code, not in a wrapper. #513. * Allow empty commands to be imported in Girr through Options -> Import options -> Accept empty Girr commands on import. #511. * Windows: install wrapper for HarcHardware. * AppImage: do not include /usr/lib/rxtx and /usr/lib64/lib any more, not used anymore. * AppImage can now invoke HarcHardware's main routine, just as IrpTransmogrifier's. #464. * Silly case sensitivity fixed. #498. * Export signal: check savefile for null-ness. #506. * Robustness fix for appimages, see #498. * Do not take frequency from GUI for signals without explicit frequency. #496. * Two new/fixed export formats: Homeassistant Broadlink Switch and Homeassistant Broadlink remote. #477. * New export format Homeassistant ITach (GlobalCache). Resolves #478. * Fixes to Broadlink*formatter, to accomplish to RF support. * Fix incorrect propertly name with lirc config (Thanks Bill Ryder) * Export formats IrToy and IrToy-bin fixed. #482. * Fix GuiMain.analyzerMaxParameterWidth for changes in IrpTransmogrifier, #234. * Partial fix of the Homeassistant-Broadlink export format, #477. * Added Discussions item under Help menu. * Some Arduino export fixes. #476, #413, #444, #476 * Do not use deprecated Girr functions. #474. * Replace minimal-json library. #473. * Robustness fixes for export GUI. * Delete original pronto hex in the pronto oneshot export. * Misc Broadlink signals fixes, both hex and base64. #375, #472. * New export format tester-arduino. * Change she-bang of to say /bin/bash explicitly. #470. ============================================================================== Version 2.4.0, released 2022-12-20. * Documentation improvements. #269. * Re-installed the irptransmogrifier command on Windows/setup.exe. #468. * Fix HardwareManager.close() misbehavior when called during shutdown. #463. * IrWidget: Add option for not dropping DTR and RTS when opening the device. #462. * Uses IrpTransmogrifier 1.2.11, see IrpTransmogrifier.releasenotes.txt. * Option for reporting all decodes, corresponding to decode --all in IrpTransmogrifier. #457. * Remove incomplete HTTP proxy support. #456. * Some export formats erroneously case sensitive wrt protocol name. #453. * Default name ("remote") in MetaDataDialog. * New name transformations in Parametric Remote: lowercase, uppercase, capitilize. #447. * Updated export formats Lirc. * New command line option --loglevel, cf. IrpTransmogrifier. * Exportformats: better handling of export format parameters. Implemented export formats documentation. #323. * Some layout tweaks. #366, #401. * Remove Lirc as sending device (partially replaced by NamedCommandSender). #399. * Remove IrTrans support (except for the NamedCommandSender). * Remove explicit IrToy sending/capturing support (in Linux, still indirectly supported through DevSlashLirc). * AppImage, Mac & Windows w/ embedded Java https bug fixed. #448. * Intervals in Render/F, S, F, etc now parsed correctly. #437. * Remove "LIRC Mode 2" as capturing device. #378. * Redesign hardware configuration and selection. #281. * New tool for sending named commands "Named Command Sender". #128. ============================================================================== Version 2.3.1, released 2021-07-04. * If possible, use xdg-open instead of java.awt.Desktop. #433. * Add basis 4 option to the analyzer. #432. * Replace IRDB data base by RemoteLocator- #429. * Girr importer now imports also Remotes, CommandSets and Commands. #420 * Misc bugfixes (#403, #407, #412, #414, #417, #421, #430). * interpretString: Robustness fix. #407. * Remove RemoteMaster import and export. #400. * Say "Render" instead of "Generate". #402. * Arduino export issues: #414. * Support HTML in help popups. Resolves #159. ============================================================================== Version 2.3.0, released 2020-09-25. * Use NRJavaSerial instead of RXTX, through HardHardware 2.3.0. * Reworked serial hardware for better performance and reliability. * Added commitId to About popup (if version ends with -SNAPSHOT). * Cleanup and fixes of IctImporter. * Arduino raw export: support boards without flash functions. #398. * Optionally chop the signals of IctImporter. #395. * Make chopThreshold user settable and persistent. * Possibility to invoke chop on raw signals. #394. * File -> Import -> Import as raw -> RMDU now invokes correct importer. #388. * RmduImporter: Better handling of not understood protocols/executors. * New user option; removeDefaultedParameters. * Updated protocols.ini to the version of RemoteMaster 2.10build9. * Misc. bug- and documentation fixes. ============================================================================== Version 2.2.6, released 2020-05-25. * Uses IrpTransmogrifier 1.2.6, see IrpTransmogrifier.releasenotes.txt. * Improved text in GUI on capture parameters. * Author's public key now available as popup. * If capture thread stops by exception, the program was left in unusable state. #383. * The help popup now has a popup menu for copy, save, print. * Scrutinize remote: Commands in advanced menu now operates on selection. #368. * Scrutinize Remote/Raw: Possibility to copy commands to Parametric Remote. #380. * Change accelerator for exit from Escape to Ctrl-Q. * Scrutinize remote: Possibility to clear selection. #382. * Replace non-functional accelerators by keybindings in the tables. #373. * Generate pane: Replace the "T" combobox with normal text field. #372. * Lirc-export: More protocols to reject generating cooked Lirc exports. #363. * Fixed anchor problem in generated html-files, like IrScrutinizer.html. #371. * Reorganized checksums in distro. #381. * Several menu text/tooltip text improvements. * New user parameter ignoreLeadingGarbage. #377. * Import to param. remote now rejects undecodable signals. #376. * New export format irdb cvs. #374. * Exportformat Spreadsheet: small cleanup. * Changed empty TreeImporter text to "--EMPTY--" * Importers now import also metadata, whenever possible. #352. * Do not check/create Export dir if automatic file names is not selected. #370. * Change initial export director to $HOME/Documents/IrScutinizer. * Rename column Date in Parametric/Raw Remote to Timestamp. * Create *.dmg install file for MacOS, replacing zipped app. #369. * New "contributed" wrappers for ghostscript. * Nuke sendir configuration panel. #323 (partially). * Remove "Ver." box in Parameteric/Raw remote. #367. * Property invokeAnalyzer changed default to true. * Remoteeditors: Implemented multi-row pasting in columns. #365. * Functions for making command names unique. #364. * Improvements to parameteric csv import. #362. * Minor improvements to RemoteMaster export. * Fixed decoding of "short Pronto". #358. * Some documentation update, in particular on installation. ============================================================================= Version 2.2.5: There has been no release 2.2.5. ============================================================================= Version 2.2.4, released 2020-01-15. This version contains a few minor improvements, and several important bug fixes. Most visible change is the inclusion of a JVM for Windows and Macintosh. The IrpTransmogrifier version is 1.2.4. * A few problems in RawIrSignal/Raw Remote fixed. Resolves #344. * Bugfix: Raw Remote table isEditable erroneous. * Raw Remote: changing intro sequence did not take effect. Resolves #353. * Use Decoder.decodeLoose)IrSignal, DecoderParameter) for "scrutinize signal". #344. * Fix lircexport with several protocols. Resolves #325. * Lircexport: take eps and aeps from originating protocol. Resolves #351. * Lircexport, non-raw: fix for fallback to raw for nonrenderable protocols #349 * Lircexport: fix invalid line comments. #348. * Updated lirc.xml to the file generated by current IrpTransmogrifier * Remotemaster export: improved textual message on original protocols. * Bundle minimal JRE also for Windows and Mac. Resolves #283. * Updated OpenJDK version for Linux appimage. * Multiple fixes to operations on Tables and save. #271. * Offer to create exportdir if not existing. #347. * New (simple) export format HTML. #248. * Export: possibility to use popup instead of generate files #297- * Protocol documentation also from "Scrutinizer signal" and "Scrutinize Remote/Parametric". #328. * TreeImporter now able to sort commands within a remote. #266. * Generate panel: new button "Random params". #260. * Save SelectFile.filechooserdirs to properties. #346. * Made the Harcpanel tools (Hexcalculator, AMX beacon listener, TimeFrequencyCalculator) callable from the shell. #301. * TreeImporterBean now have "Clear" manu entry. #331. * New functions/menu entries in Parametric/Raw remote: Duplicate selected. #324. * Do not consider command names with spaces to be erroneous any more. #334. * Raw Remote table: make sure frequency is written as integer. * Fix problem with importing signal from empty clipboard. Resolves #340. * New menu entries "Add empty", "Add test signal. Resolves #341. * Remove Help -> "Send feedback with Email". #345. * Allow radix prefix in Misc. params in Parametric remote. Resolves #343. * Check export dir text field in saveCommands and saveSignal. * About now lists version of IrpProtocols.xml #330. * TreeImporter now correctly handles errors in operations which require exactly selected signal. * Parametric Remote entry sometimes not correctly initialized #329 * Decoding issue #326. * Windows: Removed broken Java existence test #320. Note: the first official version after 2.1.0 is 2.2.4 (to be consistent with IrpTransmogrifier versions.) ============================================================================== Version 2.1.0, released 2019-08-31 This version uses IrpTransmogrifier 1.1.0. This contains some improvements and some semi-important bug fixes, see its own release notes. Other changes: * IrSignal in raw format was written in non-parsable format, IrpTransmogrifier #115, * Fixed non-working ICT importer, #318, * Parametric Remote editor: remove "hex" related functions. #316 * New export format Homeass-Broadlink. #312 * Removal of no-owned Schemas and DTDs, #299. * Update RemoteMaster's protocols.ini to current version, from RemoteMaster v2.08 build 7 * Remotemaster input pane: Remove path to protocols.ini, #300 * Broadlink export: rewritten (#315), supports RF-433MHz commands #208. * *ix wrapper: Do not override JAVA if already set. * XSLT Export formats: fix non-working xsl:include/import. #314 * An exportformat can now create executable export files, #313. * IrpMasterBean: Make toggling protocol really toggle in subsequent "generate"s (provided "-" is selected for toggle value). Resolves #305. ============================================================================== Version 2.0.1. Released 2019-08-11. (There was never a version 2.0.0.) This release replaces the libraries DecodeIR (by John Fine), ExchangeIR (by Graham Dixon), and IrpMaster (by myself) by IrpTransmogrifier. This achieves synchronization between rendering and decoding of IR signals: The same data base is used, and a protocol that can be rendered can also (with very few exceptions) be decoded too. (Milestone 2; #212, #280, #251, #23). UEI learned as IR signal format has been eliminated (#217). On all versions but the Macintosh, also IrpTransmogrifier as command line program will be available (Command name: irptransmogrifier). Documentation has not been updated ;-). Open issues in this release: * MacOS 10.11.*: Crash in RXTX when closing serial USB device, #64. * RXTX on Windows has problems with Arduino's LLC driver, #229. Associated user visible changes: * A number of new protocol parameters (Options -> Protocol Parameters -> *), (#277). See IrpTransmogrifier for their semantic. * Link to DecodeIR documentation has been replaced by a browse function of the available functions Other user visible changes have been kept to a minimum. Functionally significant will instead appear in future versions. However, there are some other user changes/improvements: * Undo function for the data window of "Scrutinize signal", (Actions -> Undo Scrutinize data; Ctrl-Z); #275 * Some more icons. * New output text format: raw without signs. #250. * Improved setup script in the generic binary distribution, for Linux-like operating system. * Improved Linux x64 appimage, now containing its own Java JVM. (#279, thanx Simon Peters, "probono"). Also allows IrpTransmogrifier to be called as a command line program (#285). * Windows installer now checks for the existence of Java (#278). * Misc GUI tweaks (#274, #268) * New output text format: raw without signs (#250). * Improved parsing of IrSignals given as inputs. (#233) * Prohibit (?) the user from selecting a non-existing export directory. (#288) * Alternative version of, using /var/lock/lockdev instead of /var/lock. (#263) * New export format BracketedRaw. (#307) * User's decoding parameters no longer overwrite protocol specific values. (#308) * New help menu entry: Browse releases. (#309) * Include IrpTransmogrifier.html and Glossary.html, from GUI callable. (#311) * Minor doc updates (not complete). Minor bugfixes: * Export format "Pronto Hex Oneshot" bugfix. (#296) * Fixed bug with export format name containing "/" on Windows (#290) * Issue with decoding signals without repeat. (#295) * Analyzer on Scrutinize signal falsely gets fallback frequency. (#289) ============================================================================== Version 1.4.3, issued on 2019-06-12. This release is the "second final" 1.*.* release; based on IrpMaster as rendering engine and DecodeIR (as decoding engine). Further releases will be based on IrpTransmogrifier instead, and will be numbered 2.*.*. (see #212). The release contains a few rather important bug fixes, and implements HTTP proxy for http network acccess. Old MacOSes (<= 10.7 "Lion") appear not to be compatible with Java 8u162 and later (see (This is strictly speaking not an IrScrutinizer issue.) Documentation has not been updated ;-). Open issues in this release: * MacOS 10.11.*: Crash in RXTX when closing serial USB device, #64. * RXTX on Windows has problems with Arduino's LLC driver, #229. User visible changes: Functionality: * Implemented HTTP proxy. Resolves #257. Bug fixes: * Fixed NPE problem. Resolves #258. * Removed unnecessary (and evil, see #255) null check. * Remove completely false tooltip. Resolves #249. * Fix bug preventing deleting several, non-consecutive line in the remote editor with enabled sorter, #253. ============================================================================== Version 1.4.2, issued on 2018-09-01. This release is the final 1.*.* release; based on IrpMaster as rendering engine and DecodeIR (as decoding engine). Further releases will be based on IrpTransmogrifier instead, and will be numbered 2.*.*. (see #212). Operation with Java 10 has been verified, #232. Old MacOSes (<= 10.7 "Lion") appear not to be compatible with Java 8u162 and later (see (This is strictly speaking not an IrScrutinizer issue.) Documentation has not been updated ;-). Open issues in this release: * MacOS 10.11.*: Crash in RXTX when closing serial USB device, #64. * RXTX on Windows has problems with Arduino's LLC driver, #229. User visible changes: Core: * New protocols: RTI_Relay, Aiwa2, Digivision, Dysan, Epson, GuangZhou, InterVideo RC-201, Nova Pace, Ortek, RC6-M-28, Roku, Whynter. (IrpMaster #4) Export: * New export format: Unified Remote. * New export format Home Remote (requested by mdavej). (#242) * Lirc export: Much more capable (makes cooked form of most protocols) Lirc export, generated by IrpTransmogrifier, #216. fixed syntactically erroneous comment. #227, IrpTransmogrifier #74. * Bugs fixed: #223, #222 Import/Remote editor: * Implement import of XCF files adhering to version 5, #219. * Handle unparsable IrTrans rem files better. * New function for adding dummy names for nameless commands in the remote table. (#238). * Add name manipulation functions to parametric remote editor, #244. (From discussion with mdavej.) * Misc bug fixes, e.g. #235, #230, #241 Gui: * Force-close capuring thread by exit of the program. #225. * If a capture thread is running, disable change of panes. * minor tweaks and bug fixes. Hardware: * GlobalCache: Number of ports in GlobalCache modules now read dynamically. (#245) * Check if a Girs server supports capture; if not, turn on "Use receive for capture". #202. Packaging: * Generate checksums (MD5 and SHA1) during builds #221. Available in the releases. * Source Bundle reorganized: IrpMaster, Girr, HarcHardware(Bundle), and Jirc now GitHub top level projects, #215. * Non-poratbility issue fixed: #226. ============================================================================== Note: Once, I planned to use the version name "1.5.0" for the version following 1.4.1. So there was some snapshot builds called 1.5.0-SNAPSHOT. Then I decided that 1.4.2 was more appropriate. Differently put, there has not been and will not be a 1.5.* release. I apologize for the confusion. ============================================================================== Version 1.4.1 This release essentially serves to checkpoint the project, preparing for a certain reorganization (#215), and migration to IrpTransmogrifier (#212). Open issues in this release: * MacOS 10.11.*: Crash in RXTX when closing serial USB device, #64. User visible changes: Core: - Add protocol RC6-6-28 #209 Export: - More lirc export formats #216 - New export format Broadlink-Python IR - Several issues in wave export and audio sending device #187 Import: - Fixed bug in ICT importer #206 - Improved IrTrans RC6 import #188. Gui: - Improved handling of "Hide uninteresting columns" in the scrutinize remote tables #203. - Fixed problem by pasting #171 Hardware: - IrToy: support also versions 2.0 and 2.1 of the IrToy firmware #209. ============================================================================== Version 1.4 Open issues in this release: * MacOS 10.11.*: Crash in RXTX when closing serial USB device, #64. User visible changes: Core: - Java 8 new required #180. - Fixed inaccurate computation of period dependent units #152. - Some protocols updated, in particular documentation #153. IRP: Blaupunkt, Bose, CanalSat, NRC16, NRC16-32, Proton, Proton-40, RC5-7F, RC5-57, RC5x, StreamZap, StreamZap-57, TDC-38, TDC-58. Installation: - Mime type file girr.xml now installed on freedesktop etc. #184 GUI: - Double clicking a *.girr file no longer considered unsaved content #183. - Paste in Scrutinize Signal data window was broken #171 - Continuous capture of signal in Scrutinize signal implemented #168. - "Open last file" no longer invokes new instance of IrScrutinizer #149 Hardware: - Lirc Mode2 as input re-implemented #181. - Lirc Mode2 as input can now read from stdin #178. - /dev/lirc support was broken, at least on Fedora, fixed #177 - Several issues in the CommandFusion driver fixed #158 Export - Lirc Export vastly improved, #175, #174, #141. - Girrexport: erroneous xsi:schemaLocation fixed #173 - Assert that frequency in Arduino export is integer #169 - Reorganized multiple export format files #167, #156. - TransformationException in XmlExporter.printDOM is caught too early, causing error message to get lost. #154 Importer: - if "Load File" invoked file selector, the wait cursor was not shown. #16 - 1mporter fileselector type combo box contained both "Zip files (*.zip)" and "Zipped files (*.zip)" #160 - IrTrans import: evaluate RC parameter #157 ============================================================================== Version 1.3 Open issues in this release: * "Open last file" may invoke new instance of IrScrutinizer, #149. * MacOS 10.11.4: Crash in RXTX when closing serial USB device, #64. User visible changes: Porting: - Raspberry Pi (armv7 hard FP) is now supported. GUI: - The panes "Sending hw" and "Capturing hw" have been interchanged (also in the manual) #150. - There is now a confirmation dialog if exiting with non-empty remote tables, #86 - Improvements on metadata inquiry for remote exports. #89 - Files to be imported can now be given as command line arguments. #112 This allows .girr files to be associated with IrScrutinizer. - Many files can can be plotted by dropping on "Scrutinize signal"; #127 - "Paste selection" in data window on Scrutinize signal fixed #136 - Editing of timing data in Raw Remote table now implemented #144 - Alt-R(Alt-P) now accelerators for selecting raw(Pronto) output. - Save current pane to properties. Get "Jump to last panel" fully working. - Generate-pane: T and "Additional parameters" now saved in properties. - (Somewhat) better error handling and error messages. Generate: - Selecting non-toggling protocol now resets T in Generate pane #135. - Option "Disregard repat mins" now takes effect without program restart #138 Protocols: - "new" protocols: NEC1-msb, NEC1-32-msb. - Fixed protocols:-Nokia32 (now really toggles, #140) NECx1: wrong default for S Sony8: Crazy trailing gap Thompson: fixed handling of F Roku-Official: fix parameterspec (upper bound) for F. PCTV: removed silly 0 durations. Revox: Set frequency to 0. G.I.4DTV: removed C from parameter spec. Import: - Many file types can now be imported by "dropped" on the GUI; #111 - Signals can now be imported to the parametric table even if the protocol is empty or nonsensical, #120 - mode2-import (Lirc) now has its own subpane under Import #121 - GlobalCache Control Tower data base ( can now be "browsed", however not directly imported. #129 - LircClient now has its own timeout (Options -> Timeouts -> Lirc timeout) - GirrImport is now capable to import directory hierarchies. - IRDB import: at the initial load, load the first device too. Export: - Fixed problem exporting multiple irplus files #139 - Fixed unwanted case sensitivity on protocol names for Lirc export; #142. - Replace the Java implementation of LircExporter by an XSLT-implementation in exportformats.xml. Core: - The repeat finder of ExchangeIR has been implemented by a own implementation, believed to be more reliable and maintainable. #21 - Robustness improvements in parsing strings on "scrutinize signal/scrutinize; #123 Hardware support: - "Arduino support" has been replaced by "general Girs support"; #24 - Suitable hardware may now be opened both for capturing and sending, #54 - (Linux only) Devices on /dev/lirc now supported for sending and receiving; #122 - Better timeout handling for some hardware. ================================================================================= Version 1.2 Open Issues: * MacOS 10.11.4: Crash in RXTX when closing serial USB device, #64. * MacOS 10.11.4: LAF Metal on Mac OSX El Capitan broken, #119. User visible changes: General: - AppImage (see format available for 64-bit Linux, #65. - Misc. minor tweaks in the installation. - The installation is now completely relocatable (#100). For this, filenames must not be stored with absolut filenames if they are children of apphome. - Does not assume that CWD = applicationHome any more. - IrpMaster, as executable, noninteractive program, can now be invoked by giving --irpmaster as the first argument on the command line to IrScrutinizer. - Added directory contributed. This should contain "contributed" protocols etc. - Wrong parameter spec in RECS80 fixed (#114). - Remove unused DTD support (#94). - (wrapper) improved location of apphome. - Added some XML files from W3C and Apache, adapted the XML catalog in order to make the project more self contained, and to allow validation without network access. GUI: - Remove text "Analyzer result unavailable" (it looks like an error), Ditto for DecodeIR. If analyzer not enabled, clean the field "AnalyzeIR" when scrutinizing. - Sort export formats in the GUI alpabetically (case insensitively). - Load Tonto early, to dispose scary looking (but irrelevant) loading errors. - New entries in the Help menu: issues, Feedback, Git repository #115. - An active capture on "Scrutinize remote" now disallows capture on "Scrutinize signal" and "Capturing hw"/Test (#109). - Store last used import format persistently in properties. #108 - Handle attempts to hide non-existing columns more gracefully. - Middle mouse in the scrutinze-remote tables now transmits the signal under the mouse. - Barf on no and multiple selections in some table functions. - Update the GUI menus after reloading export format data base (#83). - Issue confirmation if Girr-exporting with "everything" deselected. - Paste in the data window of "Scrutinize signal" now replaces newlines by spaces, #75. Girr: - Namespaces are used consequenctly in girr files, schema file now girr_ns.xsd. (#84). New documentation files. - xinclude now supported in Girr files. #107. - CommandsSet import: Fixed nasty bug in getting the protocol of children, #118. - girr[_ns].xsd: change definition of appParameter (allow string as value). - Girr instances now accept hexadecimal number prepended by 0x for parameter values. Removed attribute display-name, there is already a displayName. General cleanup in girr.xsd. - (Girr) change name uniqueness for command names #85 Now the command names are required to be unique within the CommandSets, not in the remote. - Implemented multi-toggles for Girr.Command. (#104) - Parse hexadecimal numbers (etc) as parameters in Girs import (#70). - Girr: cleanup of command API #105. Export: - There is now a schema file for exportformats.xml, exportformats.xsd. (#116). - Support xinclude in exportformats.xml #106 - New export format: Arduino Raw (#17), supports IRremote, IRLib, Infrared4Arduino. - New export formats Arduino/Infrared4Arduino & Arduino/IRremote, #17, #116. - New export format RemoteMaster (#113) - New export format IrPlus #103 - DynamicRemoteSetExportFormat now contains main routine for command line processing of exportformats in XSLT. - User selectable character set for export #93 (Options -> Export options -> Character set...) - IctExporter is now an xslt-export. - Fixed two bugs with Lirc export: Names with spaces were generated; RC5: misbehavior on F > 63, #90. - fixed bugs in ict export, erroneous line endings on Windows. See - LircExport: do not bail out for single silly signals; set explicitly frequency for NEC1 and RC5 Lirc export. - NPE in IrScrutinizer when exporting an exotic Pronto code #77. - Girr: do not give up completely on non-renderable signals #69 Import: - Improved error message for parse errors. - Minor parse robustness improvements for raw signals. - Import signals: if a particular command is erroneous, just ignore *that command* instead of aborting the entrie import. - Parser for Lirc files rewritten from scratch (#101). - Some cleanup of Jirc API, doc fixes. - Mode2Importer: Do not require pulses and spaces to be interleaving. - User selectable character set for import #93 (Options -> Import options -> Character set...) - IrTransImport: fixed bug in raw import #95. - IrTransImporter: Ignore keyword "RO" as junk. Cf. - Now handles IRDB entries with null protocol gracefully, ignoring them. - Improved parsing of text files with multi column names #78. Multicolumn names may now contain small numbers (at most 2 digits), if the names come after the parameters. Hardware support: - CommandFusion: Detect EOFs from device to prevent endless loop. - Fixes for changed syntax of the GlobalCache getversion command (#117). - AmxBeaconListener: Avoid null pointer exception. - allow the Arduino sending/receiving to use any baud rate. - Handle timeouts (receive() returning null) better. Version 1.1.3 Open Issue: MacOS 10.10.5: Crash in RXTX when closing serial USB device, ( - Offers to nuke properties if fatal error during startup (#62). - Reset properties makes backup (#59). - Link to tutorial under help menu. - Fixed broken CSV-import using regexp (e.g. "WHITESPACE"). - Removed "smart" incrementing of serial device, broke the USB serial devices on Windows, and had severed problems on the others. - Arduino sources no longer distributed with the program (they are available on - New implementation of MacOS App build, without proprietary components. - Cleaned up version management in poms. - SendingHardwareManager: handle exceptions in select better. - LircClient: nuke trailing (and leading) spaces before comparision. - Helptext and documentation update. - Made file/tree importer more intuitive: tree cleared when invalid. "Import all" and "Import all/raw" disabled when more than 10 remotes in tree. - Importers now import remotes with some of the commands erroneous or unparseable. These are just "ignored", instead of causing an abort. - Read CML files as WINDOWS-1252 (educated guess). - Removed external dependency of de.moldaner.wakeonlan - Robustness fix in AmxBeaconListener. - Java version required is now 1.7 (source and target). - Minor fixes in IrPlotter: Wrote help text. Clone plot now in popup menu. New public function IrPlotter.createPopupClone(). - Implemented Cml- and CommandFusion-import. - TreeImporter: when a remote node is expanded, decode its children, i.e. its commands. - Sort the remotes in TreeImporter alphabetically. - Switch to busy cursor in FileImporterBean.loadFileButtonActionPerformed(). - Removed Option -> Output text format -> UEI Learned. Reason: Very little use, high confusion potential. - Support for the CommandFusion Learner, sending and capturing - Layout fix: increased width of module & port combos for global cache. - sometimes erroneous HardwareUnvailableException when using GlobalCache. - New protocol Roku-Official, contributed by mdavej. - Robustness improvement (resolve symlinks to device etc). - Fixed bug in Import/Text/Parametrized: Field separators erroneous. Version 1.1.2 - On Unix-like systems, can now be installed on the local machen by "mvn deploy". - Now both Fedora rpm version and a Mac OS X app! - Sources available at Github ( Reorganized as Maven project. - Now using the babelfish icon. Remove icons with unclear legal status. - New command line option --nuke-properties. - Use the (new?) Crystal-Clear icons instead of the (old?) crystal. - Fixed bug in Lirc/NEC1-exporter: when S was missing, replacement S was being reversed twice. - Now the debug code can be set from GUI: Options -> Debug -> Debug Code... - Loading of the "local" jni libraries now from subdirs of apphome. - Removed pdf files and the glossary (at least for now) -- makes distribution and packaging easier. - Removed a few unneeded documentation links under help. - Lirc exports now get the extension .lircd.conf, since that extension is now used by the Lirc project. Also, when importing Lirc files, the extension .conf is possible. - (IrpProtocols.ini) "New" protocols Sharp{1} and Sharp{2}. - Removed dead command line options - Adhere to Freedesktop configuration files standards: (on other platforms than Windows). - New Menuitems Help->Release notes. - Import and export in Lirc Mode2 format Version 1.1.1 - New export format: IrToy-bin - New importer: IrTrans - Fix bug in Hexcalc when number > 65535. - Splash screen on startup. - Multiple decodes from DecodeIR are no longer "censored" (in all places). - Parametric remote -> Advanced -> "Set misc. parameters" now replaces all old parameters except D, S, F, and T. - Fixed unclear semantic of "count" sends of an IrSignal. - Fixed issue with sending by IrToy. Version 1.1.0a. - IrToy: fixed several issues. (Only FW version 222 is supported.) - the count for transmit generated is now a saved property. - csv-importer: can now parse hexadecimal numbers starting with 0x. Version 1.1.0. - Arduino: handle timeouts from serial port better. - Smarter scrolling of Scrutinize remote tables. - Individual silly commands are now forgiven (ignored) in rmdu import. - If an import to a fails, clear the associated tree -- it is confusing to leave something from another import as-is. - Option "Output text format" now defaults to CCF. - Improved Arduino-support, using "Arduino GirsLite" (see arduino/GirsLite/README), new ArduinoInterface to new Arduino firmware. - CSV-import, raw and parametrized: New option "multi column name". - Support the improved API of IRDB, thus the performace problems are fixed. - Implemented Set Misc Params in Parametric remote. - The option "Invoke Analyzer on Imports" renamed to "Invoke Analyzer". Menu option moved to Options (was Options->Import options). It now governs the invokation of the analyzer not only on import but also on scrutinization of individual signals. - Changing export directory sometimes did not take effect until after a restart, see - Nasty bug when capturing GlobalCaches where not initialized fixed, see - New export text format: short CCF. - Generate D, S, and F now saved to properties. - Implemented offerStackTrace, offering stack traces by exception popups. - If scrutinizing a signal containing durations of zero length, refuse, and allow the user to enter a replacement value. - The option "Invoke Analyzer on Imports" renamed to "Invoke Analyzer". Menu option moved to Options (was Options->Import options). It now governs the invokation of the analyzer not only on import but also on scrutinization of individual signals. Version 1.0.1 - Now possible to select baud rate for serial sending/capturing devices (Arduino, IrToy). - Included Michael Dreher's "Ir_Widget" capture software for Arduio. - New command line option: -x|--experimental, used to selectively show/hide "experimental" features. (Cannot be switched from GUI.) For now, the generic serial IR command sender is only showed when this option is selected. Version: 1.0.0: - Importing CSV parametrized and raw is now possible from clipboard. - (HarcHardware) Fixed file descriptor leak in the AmxBeaconListener/GlobalCacheListener. - If editing (open last export) fails, fall back to "open". - Remove prefiltering when importing Girr (only GUI elements were implemented) - Generating: Bugs, (e.g. misbehavior when no D present in protocol), fixed. - CCF of type 0100 are now parsed. - Fixed bug when pressing cancel for createUser. - now inquires for device data (manufacturer etc) when exporting commands, can be turned off by Options -> Export options -> Inquire device data. - New option: "Ignore T on parametric learns". - Parameters in the parametrized table can now be removed by entering an empty string - The sequences in the raw table are now really read-only, previously they could be manipulated, but the changes did not take effect. (Editing could be implemented, but is probably not worth it.) - Text importers now makes command names unique by appending "$" and a number if necessary. - Now a class IrpMaster for firing up the commmand line IrpMaster. - If option Import/Open ZIP files is selected, will import from zip files directly. 2012-12-01: Version 0.1.1 - appHome and java.library.path now computed dynamically. Thus the windows start-up wrapper has been eliminated. - New export formats: spreadsheet, RMFunctions, ICT. - Cloning of plot implemented (but rather primitive). - New export formats: ICT, Spreadsheet, and RMFunctions. - Improved documentation and help texts. - Added glossary. - Improved startup of the serial stuff: Now searches for all serial ports, but only once (by caching). (On windows, cases somewhat slow startup :-\ ) - Misc bug fixes, layout fixes, cleanups. 2012-11-12: Version 0.1.0 Very first version with many rough edges. Not tested very much. Documentation not written. Popup texts also not written. Known issues: Documentation largely missing. Popop help texts not written Serial communication generally unreliable. Plan: replace rxtx. Generally rough layout. Some glitches in the IR plotter, like sometimes silly time scale.